
Friday, 16 October 2009

A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Just a minor panic for a moment there. 
I was sitting in the conservatory, watching the sunlight illuminating the remaining leaves on the pear trees.  From far off I could hear the happy sounds of Beaker Folk, singing spirituals as they picked sweetcorn for our new "Jolly Green Druid" range.  All was well, mentally, physically and spiritually.
And then I thought.  
What if I'm wrong?  What if the Divine isn't subject to my whim?  What about if I can't make him/her/it agree with everything I want?  What if the response "I'm sure God's/the gods are/the Divine is not like" that is founded on nothing more than what I happen to be feeling?  Could it be possible that I've founded a whole religion based on my own preferences and not on any objective knowledge of the thing I've been talking about?  Could my personal belief that the Creator is liberal, universalist and non-judgemental simply be because that's how I'd like things to be?  Might someone, somewhere one day want to know why I've spent the last few years ripping off the pilgrims and residents in the Community and polluting the air with burning tyres?
If so, I'd have to account for my views sometime and frankly even atheism would be better.  If it were true.  
But I had another cup of  a lime leaf tisane, lit a tea light and, all in all, I'm back to normal again.

1 comment:

  1. :-)- back to normal....there is nothing else to say is there....?


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