
Monday, 30 November 2009

The Demise of the Moon Gibbon

I'm afraid there's no doubt about it.  The votes for NASA having killed the Moon Gibbon have now exceeded the votes for him existing.
Under the Sherine Principle, NASA killing the Moon Gibbon is now true.
The Gibbon Folk have taken it badly.  They were looking forward to the full moon as a sign that the Gibbon had given up the battle for this month - prior to starting again the moment it started waning.
You would have thought - remembering that the Moon Gibbon was in many ways a scary kind of god to have, eating the moon every month and colouring it red with the blood of clangers at ever lunar eclipse - that the Moon Gibbon People would be happy and relieved.  They should be free of fear, autonymous and happy - free to dance in the woods (not today, obviously - that would be asking for trouble in this weather), or at the least come inside and light some tea lights or meditate on pebbles.  They can do good, or evil, according to their own choice - without looking at the moon over their shoulder the whole time to see if the Gibbon is happy or angry.
But instead, they're just sitting around the pond throwing bits of stick in the water, wondering what to do with their time.  A few of them started a bit of a fight with a couple of Extreeme Primitive Beaker People, who were wanting them to hold an act of worship actually in the pond, but other than that they're just desolate.
Still, full moon tomorrow.  And it's St Andrew's Day today.  The sight of Hnaef wearing a kilt, and a good dinner of haggis on tonight's menu, may yet cheer them up.

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