
Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Revenge of the Bogeyperson

A bit of a disaster for poor Gordon.  The Beaker Secularists have long been campaiging for the right to take assemblies, and finally somebody let him into one of the local infant schools.  His basic message, "God doesn't exist so be good - although nothing will happen either way" seemed to go over the heads of the little ones. So he expanded his thesis by explaining that God doesn't exist, just like Santa doesn't.  Faced with 120 children crying their eyes out, and looking for a way to retrieve the situation, he told them that if they didn't believe that Santa doesn't exist, the Bogeyperson would get them.  To be fair to Gordon, at least they were quiet after that.  But several of the kids need counselling, and in some kind of fundamentalist reaction six have formed the Teeny Division of the Moon Gibbon worshippers.

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