
Sunday, 16 January 2011

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

I had a note dropped through my door from a local organisation calling themselves "Churches Together". They have kindly informed me that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts on Tuesday.

Of course, I am thoroughly in favour of Christian Unity. "That they may be one" is one of the dearest commands in my heart. But it leaves me praying and meditating in my heart.

For consider. The local Churches Together represents congregations that together number literally dozens. If we achieved true, godly Christian unity - how would they all fit in the Baptist chapel? While our Father's house may have many rooms, in Bogwulf Baptist Chapel we have just the one main room and a small vestry. I would have to have serious building work done before they could all join. Indeed, I might have to stall them for a while by extending our current 26-week membership and reorientation course to a full year before they were allowed in.

In the meantime, they have attached a prayer diary for the week. I won't be attending any of the meetings, of course - some of the prayers and activities could be liberal or Catholic. But I shall pray for Christian unity. Mind, I  know that having the £5,000,000 I would need for the enlargements drop through the letterbox would be in many ways less of a miracle than all Christian people agreeing.

1 comment:

  1. Knew it would be funny just by knowing Drayton Parslow and reading the title & I was not disappointed :)


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