
Thursday 17 February 2011

Targeted Prayer

There's a rumour been spreading among the Beaker People that "Targeted Prayer" is a good idea. By this they mean that general, non-specific intercession isn't much use. Because how would you know if it was answered? Or, at least, without careful gathering of data and double-blind analysis. So they would want, for example, to pray that Rumwald's knee be healed - but at 3.20 on Saturday. Or that the people down a particular road have a good day - on March 2nd - and that they have 6.5 hours of sunshine.

But Gilburt took it to extremes today. Praying for all the inhabitants of a road in Bletchley was fairly detailed, albeit took quite a long time as he named them individually. But the detail he went into on their medical conditions was very worrying. Borderline obsessive, clearly. But also revealing a serious breach of the Data Protection act.

So please can we keep it nice and general in future? Something along the lines of "let people in general just kind of feel a real sense of warmth and peace". Unmeasurable, insusceptible to statistical analysis, and not so easy to confuse with stalking.


  1. I would try targeting my thoughts but usually can't get a signal :) ..

  2. What's wrong with general intercession? God knows your intention; he also knows what the needs are, which you probably don't.


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