
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Emergency trip

The Archdruid has told me that we're expecting some Morris Dancers today, and that they'll be expecting some maids.  She seemed to have forgotten that we're rather short on maids in the Community, if we're going to follow the traditional definition.  Drayton was all for asking people what their status was with regards to, um, maiden-ness, but having seem him asking one community member, and seeing her reaction (which involved a frying pan), I decided that a more tactful approach was called for.  I asked Mrs Hnaef what such an approach would involve, but her response mainly involved laughing at me, so I had to work something out for myself.

So I arranged an emergeny trip to Maids Moreton, which I assumed, given its name, had strict residency requirements.  I was confused to find a number of men there, but assumed they were on similar missions to me, so I started knocking on doors in the village, and asking any women who answered what their status was.

It turns out that they have frying pans in Maids Moreton, too, and that the Archdruid's going to be disappointed in me.  Again.

1 comment:

  1. It's quite simple. Just go for Matrons of Honor, you obviously have plenty of them.


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