
Monday, 26 September 2011

Another politically-correct sellout to Europe

We've been busy down at the Great House, taking up some of the old carpets in the pilgrims' suites. And when I say "we" - it's true. It can be hard work, supervising.

But when we took up one particularly old carpet I was astounded to discover a copy of a newspaper from 1752. I thought you might be interested.

Ye Dailie Maille
Ye 2 September 1752

In yet another craven cave-in to Europe, today ye Government have implemented ye Gregorian Calendar.

"It's ye political correctedness gone mad," one man said to ye Maille reporter. "We've been forced to adopt ye new calendar so we don't offend ye Catholics.

But ye Government defended ye decision to join ye "European Single Calendar". A spokesman told us, "It's important to move with ye times. And if ye times aren't ye same as ye times across ye Channel, we'll never be able to trade with ye continent. All ye boats will turn up at ye wrong time.

A member of ye UKIP, however, said that Britain should have ye ability to set its own dates, without ye interference from ye Central European Diary. "I can foresee a time when the whole calendar breaks up, and ye local governments once again set their own dates - or at least there will be ye two-speed Europe. And if ye Greeks ever join - well, they're centuries behind at the best of times." 


  1. Good joke. But the analogies are not sound.

    The 1752 change was a belated decision to get in step with the Gregorian calendar which brought the calendar into line with the observed orbital period of the earth - i.e. true science based on mathematics not like this flakey Darwin stuff (heh heh).

    Today, the BBC's change from AD to CE and BCE is just a bunch of lefties with an agenda.

    Mind you they wont succeed. Someone has already observed that CE and BCE stand for Christ Existing and Before Christ Existing. (Or Christian Era - even better)

    And an alternative could be Church of England and Before Church of England.

    In which case the year should be 478 CE (assuming 1534 - the Act of Supremacy as year 1)

  2. Before Christ Existing? Now that's heresy for sure!


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