
Monday, 26 September 2011

Science takes a turn for the Worse

Inspired by the kerfuffle that has broken out over evolution, and especially by the Archdruid's demand for a decent definition of "species", I decided that I would work hard to enlighten you, my dear readers, as to this area of scientific controversy and doubt.

I took as my starting point the definition of "species" that says it is a group of organisms that are all capable of breeding with each other. And I note in passing that the article that says the British wildcat is in danger of extinction because of cross-breeding with domestic cats, is on this definition inexact in calling the wildcat - it is a sub-species perhaps, or maybe even merely a "breed".

And to avoid a terminological inexactitude of my own, I decided to define the verb "breed" as "for organisms to combine genes in such a way that a mixture of their genes is passed on to descendants."

But I have hit on a problem now. Because on my definition, I am the same species as a virus. And not any longer the same species as Mrs Dasset, as she has made quite clear that she's not going in for any more DNA exchanges. I feel slightly queasy - which, oddly enough, is exactly what Mrs Dasset said last time I broached the subject. But when I feel better I will need to find some better definitions.

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