
Saturday, 10 September 2011

Sum enchanted evening

I've just been enjoying terrifying Hnaef. If there's a one in 60 chance of being hit each day by this satellite, I told him, then surely that's only one in 30 during the night-time? As clearly the satellite won't crash to earth in day light as it's a space object - and space things only come out at night.

In fact, as I pointed out, he's lucky we're still the sunny side of the Equinox. As there's more night than day after that, and so more chance of the satellite falling.

You see, this is why it was so important to me to get Burton in as a proper Financial Accountant. When Hnaef was Treasurer, nothing ever added up - and not in a good way. It was my own fault for misunderstanding his qualifications - when he told me he was good at Numbers I thought he meant he was qualified in Maths. Not that he was referring to his specialism in Old Testament studies.


  1. Just wondering how Hnaef actually retains his sanity (if he has any) in the face of all of the discrimination that he suffers, particularly at the hands of the Arch Druid.

    I think that we need a 'Friends of Hnaef' society for his protection and also to pick up his sufferings and share them with an Employment Tribunal, particularly as he is being discriminated due to a lack of intellect and his dislexia has led to him being down graded in favour of Burton, who might be able to count, but leads the 'get rid of the Arch Druid' underground.

    I would post with a user name, but that would allow the Arch Druid to identify me and pursue me to the ends of the earth. Some people might revel in that, but I've given up on SM long ago.

  2. Mr/Mrs/Miss Anonymous (of London, with your Google browser and your Windows 7)- what do you think I am, some kind of stalker?

  3. I would like to add that Hnaef does not, as far as I am aware, suffer from dyslexia. He does however use predictive text, which may or may not suffer from random accuracy in what it predicts Hnaef is trying say. In other words, for all I know his predictive text is predicting with remarkable foreknowledge. That would be worrying, but it is possible.

  4. I'm probably not much better at numbers than Hnaef, but surely with all the world's population that cuts down on the odds of it landing on your head, or on Hnaef's for that matter. I'd be much more scared if I lived in China.


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