
Friday, 15 May 2020

How Social Distancing Will Impact Church of England Seating Arrangements

"UK Churches consider ticketing for after Lockdown"

Before lockdown (A&B are married)

People seated, sparsely, in pews - nobody near the front

After lockdown, with social distancing

Same as the first picture

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  1. I would not wish to crow but in my parish there are many more parishioners so I have no idea how and when we will be able to attend. And as a friend pointed out,how will we be able to receive Holy Communion with a mask on?
    I can however see one good thing coming out of this - the removal of the dreaded Sign of Peace which I understand the Church of England also does. One enthusiastic lady squeezed my hand so hard on one occasion that I had to go to A & E as it swelled up like a balloon! I think I shall beg our Bishop not to bring it back.

  2. Social distancing wil not be an issue if we work on a rota basis as some Churches in italy have done. Several masses and individuals attending on a rota to allow social distancing. We have two communion services on every other Sunday and a when a family/parade service is held, and 8 am and 6.30 pm. Commonsense will prevail I am sure and as we will probably do it by alphabetical selection I don't seen an issue. And it is likely that one of the Communion services will continue to be live streamed, those who currently attend via this medium, will still be able to do so, if they wish.

    The reality is that if all of those who view or participate in streamed services decided to come to church, we'd need to build a new church to accommodate them. A mixed economy will no doubt evolve over time.

  3. I like zoom church. I can sit at home, go and make more toast when they start singing the wrong songs, and, if I get the computer webcam angled just right, get loads of knitting done without anyone seeing.


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