
Monday, 2 March 2009

The Beaker Shrine

Further to our previous discovery of our connections to Joseph of Arimathea, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Beaker Shrine.

We celebrate the journey that Joseph took as he journeyed cross-country from Lowestoft to Glastonbury in the 1st Century, carrying the Holy Beaker. Stopping for a drink at the brook near the late-Beaker Community, Joseph may well have carried out the ancient ritual of Pouring out of Beakers.

Turning right immediate after you pass under the Great Trilithon as you drive into the car park, leave your 4x4 at the gate to the Big Field. Following the yellow plywood arrows we have nailed to the gates and trees, you will find, within an acre of landscaped meadow, the Joseph Hut (previously the Tool Shed). Here you can pay your respects to the Holy Toenail Clippings.

Some have questioned the authenticity of the Husborne Crawley Holly, which we believe Jospeph brought with him on his journey. Their argument is based on its being of the variegated variety Silver Prince, which was developed in modern times. All we can say is - what more of a miracle could you want?

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