Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Giving thanks for Bald People on Ash Wednesday

Let us give thanks for bald people
On this Ash Wednesday
Those who offer up to the ashing-person
A blank and ready canvas for our cross-drawing
Whether a neat, austere, Puritan kind of cross 
Or something swishy and baroque 
Like the sort of thing you see on a clipart on Facebook.

Not so when confronted by an hairy man
Or those women who pull not back their locks.
For their foreheads are a minefield of artistic and safeguarding danger.
Can one move their hair?
Or must one break the mystery of the event to ask them
Or just plough on regardless?
Their crosses are a mess
Bits of ash on stray tresses
Blobs of black on their foreheads
Of no discernible form.

On the whole, the ideal Ash Wednesday crowd would be woman footballers.
Those ponytails leaving the foreheads clear would be the perfect base.
Stylish black cross beneath dyed-blonde frame.
Simply the best.

Ash Wednesday 
Because you're worth it.

1 comment :

  1. Suitable chorus to accompany the liturgy: Be bald, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you


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