Monday 18 February 2013

Past its Prime

I notice that in a trailer on its website, the BBC has described Blandings as "comedy". I'm shocked at this kind of passing-off. Selling us Plum which is clearly 100% ham.


  1. After watching last night's episode (having nothing better to do), I must agree.

  2. Apropros of nothing in particular, I have only just noticed that the moon has disappeared from your page. Where has it gone? Has the Moon Gibbon eaten it? Have the moon gibbon folk taken it for themselves?
    I am bereft. I now have to look out of the window to see what phase it is.

    1. More prosaic, I'm afraid. It just doesn't work on an Android tablet.

    2. maybe you should give the moon different tablets!

  3. I must report that I have tried to understand this apparent comedy on 2 occasions but failed dismally.......I may well have a warped sense of humour (due possibly to working in the NHS for too long) but even so...

    1. The Blandings series is one of the finest collections of writing ever. Beautifully-written and full of wonderful characters. Converting PG Wodehouse to the screen is tricky. But Quentin Tarantino with a hangover could have written a better adaptation, and the average Nativity Play would have a cast that played it better.


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