Alhough the criminal respects the law, she keeps being fined for breaking it. In fact, if she breaks the law much more, she may be put into the situation where she won't be able to break the law again. At least not without breaking a different law. Although some of us might think that there's no obvious reason why a criminal would worry about breaking the laws, the criminal assures us that if she breaks the law again, the new law she'd have to break to break the law, isn't the sort of law she'd break.
Unlike the law she'd have to break to be put in the position where she'd have to break the other law to break the first law. She reckons she can't help breaking that law.
The criminal tells us that nobody can help breaking the law which if she breaks it she won't be allowed to break the law. Ignoring the fact that, right up to the point where she breaks that law, she isn't breaking that law. So she actually spends quite a lot of time not breaking the law it's impossible not to break.
The law it's impossible not to break is estimated to have saved 4 lives. Presumably due to all the potential criminals choosing not to break the law because that would make them criminals. Even though it's impossible not to break that law. And everybody breaks it. Well you would, wouldn't you?
In fact the criminal could suffer less from breaking this law if she went on a course to learn why you shouldn't break the law. Except she can't because she broke another law.
Meanwhile the criminal tells us she's being penalised for breaking the law. So she may be incapable of keeping the law, but at least the criminal understands the way laws are supposed to work. Just not the speed limit. Which isn't a real law.
H/t road.cc
Meanwhile the criminal tells us she's being penalised for breaking the law. So she may be incapable of keeping the law, but at least the criminal understands the way laws are supposed to work. Just not the speed limit. Which isn't a real law.
H/t road.cc
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I have never understood Driving fines. Banns yes, because they stop them driving and earning fines.
ReplyDeleteMind you, the one time that I picked up a speeding fine, I owned up to being the driver and took the points (and point) that if you go faster than the prescribed limit and get caught, you are "bang to rights", so when people drive to close to my tail pipe, because I'm observing the law, I can actually say, that I'm assisting them in not breaking the law of speed. I suspect that 10 mph in a 30 zone might be over cautious, but I have yet to be stopped for driving too slowly. I have learned a lot of new hand signals as a result. Must be a win.