"I’m 24 and I think marriage is pointless – and have done my whole life. It’s just an excuse to have a really expensive party."
Yeah, you see what you've done there - you've confused marriage with a wedding. A good marriage lasts 40 or 50 years and consists of growing together having made a commitment that fundamentally says you will continue to love one another - in the old, Christian sense of love - whether you're in love with one another or not, through thick and thin, through fallings out and making up and even if one half of the party decides watching 2 hours of "Last of the Summer Wine" every evening is reasonable behaviour.
Whereas a good wedding is one that ends with the police being called after one new spouse's aunt has hit the other new spouse's father over the head with an empty Prosecco bottle because he won't dance to "Agadoo". A bridesmaid has broken her ankle hurdling over beer cases in the car park. The Ring-bearer has kicked the best man in the shins because he keeps calling him "Bilbo". And the page boy has thrown up after eating his own weight in trifle and then spinning round in circles.
I don't quite see how the BBC allowed this article to be published. Because it's obvious the author doesn't know the difference between two very different things.
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It says something about the generation who have perhaps been brought up in a house where the parents relationship, married or not, is disfunctional, or even broken down
ReplyDeleteI know that my daughter said that she'd never marry, after our marriage broke down. And she has stuck to her word.
In a relationship, with children, for over 20 years - demonstrates love without marriage. But she would have married if her parents had managed to stay together, sadly, we couldn't.
I feel some responsibility for her position, but not guilt. Because if the marriage had continued, she'd have been a lot unhappier than she is now.