An objection I can understand. As a group consisting of a mandolin with a string missing, an ocarina, and a hay-fever-sufferer playing a kazoo can be difficult to pick up the tune from. Or the rhythm.
But we have an organist shortage. A serious organist shortage.
She can't reach the keys. And if she sits on enough cushions, she can't reach the pedals.
In other news, having read a tweet from a famous Anglican on the feast, Charlii's Holy Trinity sermon will no longer be on Pride and Diversity. Instead the title will be "Why Can't We all be Normal, Like God?"
It appears that you need to extend the length of your tiny Organist's legs. Such a feat should not be an issue for the Arch Druid who has a Rack in her Cellar, used to maintain discipline and to interrogate deserters. A couple of hours on the Rack should remedy the shortness problem. A for Charili's sermon, it was probably full of heretic prophesy, which would go down well with the bunch of heretics that are the Beker Folk