All: And also with you.
Archdruid: We come together to feed on scorpions, ants and termites.
All: And also on crickets.
Archdruid: And also in the hope of sponsorship.
All: I'd forget it, Eileen. Honestly.
Archdruid: Let us confess our sins.
All: We confess that we have been total mongooses. We have taken small defenceless rodents without caring. We have eaten those maggots that we ought not to have done. And we haven't eaten those maggots that we ought to have done. And there are no grasshoppers in us.
Archdruid: Go, and bob up and down no more
All: You must be joking Eileen - that's what we do.
Archdruid: Compare the / compare the
All: Simples.
The sound of an exploding computermibob is heard in the background.
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