Sunday 7 June 2020

Trinity Sunday Service Cancelled

Andrei Rublev "Hospitality of Abraham"
Please note our "Zoomity Sunday" service is cancelled. Likewise the traditional "Spot the Heresy" session. This is so we can spend more time today trying to work out what a Liberal Evangelical Cabal looks like (we suspect it's a kind of ocelot) and arguing about the new cleaning rota.

Hopefully whatever passes for normal service will be restored by next Trinity Sunday, when the cries of "Sabellian", "Modalist" and "Liberal Evangelical" will once again ring around the Moot House.

Meanwhile here's a nice picture. 

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1 comment :

  1. This is what an evangelical liberal looks like. I don't know if it is the same as a Liberal Evangelical cabal. Or even a Liberal Democrat cabal


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