All Beaker Folk may be equipped with novelty buzzers and, as it may be, unusual headwear, tweedy jackets, butler's outfits or comedy trousers.
[Sound of Hnaef striking holy bell]
Archdruid: .. and Burton goes...
[Sound of badly-played bodhran]
Archdruid: ... and Young Keith goes...
[Sound of badly-played accoustic guitar]
Archdruid: ... and Young Keith's uncle the police constable goes...
[Sound of police siren]
Archdruid: Let us confess our sins.
All: @God: We have called Stephen's tweets boring. We have had no interest in what flavour herbal tea he is drinking. We have tweeted those things we ought not to have tweeted. And we have not tweeted those things we ought to have tweeted. And we have exceeded our character count already. Have mercy on us, miserable trolls, and in future make us amusing, pithy, and above all charitable unto thy fluffy and sensitive creatures.
Archdruid: Let me hear you say "Baah"!
All: @Archdruid Baah!
Archdruid: Peace be with you.
All: @Archdruid and also with you.
Archdruid: Let us share the peace.
All: RT Archdruid: Peace be with you.
Archdruid: May your URLS be ever tiny.
All: @Archdruid and may you be retweeted for ever.
Archdruid: Go, and twitter forever.
All: @Archdruid we'll leave that to Stephen.
@Archdruid: the ubiquitous munificence of the multi-talented one be upon you, you lovely old thing.