Sometimes it can be hard, trying to lead people to enlightenment.
Take this morning. As part of our "creative worship" initiative, I'd asked the Beaker Folk to draw the image they saw, when they thought of God.
Well, it was a motley enough gallery that took shape, 'tis true. A couple of pictures of Santa. Some other old-looking blokes with beards. Burton drew a series of mathematical equations, and explained that God is the Immutable Logic behind the physics of Creation. Young Keith drew a picture which looked remarkably like my own late father, which was disturbing. But not so disturbing as the giant mincing machine with which Morgwn had equipped the Deity.
Well, I gathered them together for "Reflecting Time". I pointed out to them that, Burton excepted, all had drawn God as a Big Bloke in the Sky. Had they forgotten, I asked them, what day it was? Had they merely thought of God as the alpha-male conqueror of Chaos? The avenging judge? Must God always be doing, acting and smiting? Can God not be life-giving, nurturing, nourishing? Can God not allow to grow, instead of tearing up weeds and using artificial fertiliser? In short, on this most Mothering of Sundays, can we not think of God as our Mother?
Well, there was a thoughtful silence. I like to think this was because they were mulling over my words - and not just because they were wondering how to repair the table I had inadvertently smashed with my cricket bat during my talk.
As I was taking the pictures out just now to the Recycling shed, Drayton Parslow walked past. I showed him Morgwyn's picture, with the Book of Rules, the scales, the mincing machine and all, and asked if he'd ever seen anything like it. All Drayton asked was, didn't I know it was against the 2nd Commandment to draw an image of God? Especially one that accurate.
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