Surely we have been disobedient and judgement has fallen down upon us.
For when we dreamed of Christmasses gone by
Of the days of our childhood when Christmas was as a dream and the TV was special
Of Morecambe and Wise or Only Fools and Horses
Or Victoria Wood or Last of the Summer Wine
Yet we never imagined that when we awoke we would still be in a nightmare
That though all those great shows are no more,
though Dermot Morgan is dead[1]
yet Mrs Brown's Boys will get two new episodes.
And so we turn to the repeats of The Good Life on Gold.
And we search for the episode where they celebrate Christmas
And we remember how they made Christmas Crackers even out of newspaper
And that one joke about Christmas Crackers was funnier than every joke in every episode of every series of Mrs Brown's Boys.
So we vow that we will write to the BBC
and threaten to stop paying our licence
and instead watch YouTube
Even though there's only so many snowboarding bulldogs you can watch and still think it's funny.
Oh I dunno though.
It's still better than Mrs Brown's boys. Even if you watched it from now till Christmas.
[1] Apparently it was the biggest lingerie department in Ireland.
Want a good laugh? Want to laugh at the church? Want to be secretly suspicious that the author has been sitting in your church committee meetings taking notes? Then Writes of the Church: Gripes and grumbles of people in the pews An excellent book for your churchgoing friends, relatives or vicar. And don't forget it's nearly Christmas! |
Re-runs of Harry Worth or Hancocks Half Hour would be preferable to this. But the BBC deleted them all as they were 49 years old, just like their female presenters.