Thursday 19 August 2010

2x2 and 7x7

While I am lurking around trying to grow my beard, I'm not lounging. Indeed no.  What is whispered in the darkness will be shouted from the roof tops. And I am writing up my thoughts on Noah's Ark.

I am working on the genetic implications that every clean animal on the planet descended from 7 of their species, about 5000 years ago. While every unclean animal descended from just 2. Logically this would mean that we would expect more genetic diversity among clean than among unclean. And I think this is what we see. Consider the sheep of the field, for example - the Lonk, the Swaledale, the Red Leicester.  The list goes on and on. And yet the hoopoe is a sadly undifferentiated species. One hoopoe looks much like another. This is exactly as we would expect for its feeble genetic base. Nice bird, though.  Even if it's unclean.

I also consider the extent of the flood. Clearly when the Good Book says that the flood covered the whole of the earth, it was speaking figuratively about that area which Noah knew. My belief is that the tops of the really high mountains of the Himalayas and the Andes were not in fact covered.  And while I hear the cries of "Liberal!" from some, again my argument is based on sound scientific reasoning.
After all, if the really tall mountains of America and Asia were flooded as well, where did Bigfoot and the Yeti  survive?  They can't have been on the Ark, as an almighty fight would have broken out. Stands to reason, really.
(hoopoe from Wikipedia commons)


  1. For goodness sake pull yourself together man. I am dismayed to read that you are going down the sound scientific reasoning over scripture route. This is a clear sign of creeping liberalism and abandonment of the pure and unadulterated word of God. I pray for your soul and for your ministry, that you might repent and return to the path of righteousness.

    As for your argument about the Yeti and Bigfoot; they survived on the Ark in the same way as all the other brute beasts of the field who would normally be ripping each other to shreds. The Ark was a clear foretaste of that blessed state where the lion will lie down with the lamb.

    Next you will be telling us that the unicorn didn't make it because it couldn't find a mountain high enough to dwell upon, when it is obvious that the beast was judged, as the song says, for frolicking in the rain rather than obeying the Word of the Lord.

  2. Rev, don't forget to mention that whales could have swallowed a whole bunch of species and carried them around in their bellies, alive - I think that fact is corroborated in another Bible story?; you can fit a lot of Koala bears in a whale you know!

    Obviously all that water made the planet shrink until it dried out again, so it was easy for the little fluffy darlings to walk back to Australia from the Middle East with nothing to eat..

  3. I'm detecting no small amount of sarcasm from the commenters of this post. I almost think one or both don't believe in a literal flood and ark.


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