Thursday 12 August 2010

Holiday Club Day 4 - No more Herods

Thursday is my day off. And so it is my day off today, even in Holiday Club week. I have spent the day prowling the house in a lather of suspense, causing Marjorie repeatedly to ask why I don't go out.

Eventually I had to ask her to drive me around the Leicester ring road for a while to calm me down.

It was the sound, audible all the way from Salem chapel, of the disgusted cries of the children. I'd seen Bob's planned material for today - the demise of King Herod - and had suggested to him that the graphic details of being eaten by worms might be a bit much.

Not to mention the illustrations, involving real worms. I really didn't think some of the gentler souls would have wanted to carry them around in their hands in the way Bob was planning.

So all in all I hope we get all the young people back tomorrow. Between the broken bones and accidental triggering of allergies, we were already dwindling. But I hope the promise of a new King James Bible for anyone that makes it to all five days may keep them hanging on.


  1. I trust that is the edition in black covers with miniscule print and absolutely no graven images. And you do mean a new KJV not a heretical NKJV don't you?

  2. No, the real authentic Word of God, as authorised by His Majesty King James I (and VI of Scotland). I accept no substitutes. Especially not the TNIV.

  3. Surely you are giving the King James Bible because that was the version used by Jesus?


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