Friday 20 August 2010

Sexual Dimorphism and Evolution

This may be from an unreliable scientific source, since it comes from a correspondent in Birmingham.

He suggests that women may have evolved smaller feet than men, in order to stand closer to the kitchen sink.

And in many ways this exposes the myth of Evolution. For in the days when, according to the priests of Evolution, men and women were developing dimorphic podologies, there were no sinks and no washing up. So even under the absurdities of evolutionary theory, the different sizes of men's and women's feet would reveal Intelligent Design.

No, clearly the different size of men's and women's feet are a sign of the wonders of Creation. Maybe the Creator made women's feet shorter to assist with washing up, as my correspondent has suggested. But I prefer to think that He had a second, more important intention - that of enabling men to stand comfortably, balanced on their larger feet, while preaching at the front of churches.


  1. I see, Reverend Sir, that you are not only sexist, but a brumophobe.

    Birmingham is the Athens of the Midlands!

  2. Ar. Yow'm roight there, Left-footer.

  3. You know what they say about big feet, nudge, wink..

  4. Ooh, I know this - is it "big feet, big sandals"?

  5. Isn't it beer bellies which really distance men from the sink for washing up?

  6. Well my feet are bigger than my husbands and thus HE must wash the dishes! ;) JK

  7. @Kim Bowen I fear for the eternal souls of you, your husband any offspring the Lord has blessed you with if he is in deed washing the dishes. :)


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