Monday 24 October 2011

Liturgy for the Birthday of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

We left this liturgy as late as possible so that people didn't get all itchy and antsy about the various "animalcules" that this great man discovered. Leeuwenhoek was father of Microbiology, expert lens-maker and a devout Christian who could see the wonders of Creation in the little beggars crawling around on his microscope slide. And showing in his dialogue with the British Royal Society a case study in doing proper science - repeating the experiments to confirm the validity of the experiments, peer-reviewing - it's all great stuff.

Sadly we never really got to the liturgy itself. Just spent an hour trying to work out how to pronounce his surname. And now nobody wants to go to bed, because they'll be suddenly so aware of all the munchkin mini-beasts that will be awaiting them. Could be a long night in the Common Room.

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