Saturday 27 August 2011

Hysterical Re-enactment (3)

Now the riots have calmed down, the Telegraph notes that all the excitement is now going on in former colonies - our own and Italy's - and settles down to the more normal summer-time activity of reporting on exam results and silly-season stories.

Oddly enough it was an article on a man demanding the right to trial by combat on human rights grounds that led me on to a headline that only needs a three-word response.

The headline is "King Arthur's round table may have been found by archaeologists in Scotland."

And the response is "No it hasn't."


  1. This is obviously ridiculous. Everyone knows that for hysterical Arthur re-enactment you have to go to Glastonbury Abbey. Scotland, indeed!

  2. You do. Or Tintagel, which is my preference. Or Cadbury Castle. Or Stonehenge. Or....

  3. But he's only buried in Glastonbury. So there.


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