Friday 20 October 2017

A Psalm for a Working Morning

The waves crashing down on the tormented rocks
Whilst humans gaze sadly at smartphones and clocks.
While nature is driven by sun, sea and moon
There's a five-hour workshop that's scheduled for noon.
The estuary floods, then the weary tide falls
Office workers are stranded in all-day conf calls.
But from night's dark embrace to the dawn's tender greeting
There's nothing so sweet as a late-cancelled meeting.

Looking for  a Christmas present for the churchgoer in your life? Or are you in need of a book to make you laugh at and think about the church? Well you probably need "Writes of the Church  -  Gripes and Grumbles of People in the Pews" - a perfect stocking filler.  From Amazon, BRF and good Christian bookshops.
A queue of people at the vicarage door, holding letters. The vicar is hiding behind the curtains.
Writes of the Church - On sale now and perfect for Christmas

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