Friday 13 May 2011

8 Miles High

I have been reading Hnaef's choice of music with deep foreboding. Partly because many of his favourite groups have in common an interest in practices that are forbidden by the book of Leviticus. But also because I have my doubts about the calculations that caused an obscure American group to choose 21 May for the date of Rapture. This kind of Biblical numerology is deeply suspect - did Our Lord himself not say that nobody knows the day or the time? Besides, after our last attempt to calculate the Rapture, Burton Dasset came up with March 2017.

However. In that sarcastic way of hers, Eileen has dropped me off an MP3 player with a playlist of songs to accompany the Rapture. Consisting of:

Up where we belong
My beautiful balloon
Can't let Maggie Go
Walking in the Air
99 Red Baboons [I really have no idea where she found this version]
Don't leave me this way.

Her sarcasm knows no bounds at the moment. She has also put up a "For Sale" sign on the Manse with the instructions that it's available for a quick sale from 22 May onwards. She says that the Beaker People will still be around come that date, and is it OK with me if she has the chapel back.

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