Thursday 4 March 2010

Let's Face the Music and Liturgical Dance (VI)

Thanks to Chesney Wold, our authentically Cornish Beaker Person, and his wife Morwena, for this afternoon's Cornish Floral Hate Dance.
Morwena skipped around the Moot House with a rose between her teeth,, scattering lilies around the place.  She was interpreting Chesney's rendition of 1950s show tunes.  The perfect fusion of worship and art, in my opinion,
Eventually, almost without us noticing it, the music segued from "You'll Never Walk Alone" into the Penzance Hate Song.  The Beaker Folk joined in the Dance of Hate.  They were encouraged to stamp on the moon-shapes in the floor with their steel-toe-capped boots, pretending they were the heads of the evil Corded Ware Folk of Water Eaton.  Eventually at the point where they achieved oneness  with the Hate, they stomped out into Big Meadow and ripped up a fence to "tool up", as I believe it's called, before heading off to Fenny for a fight.

In many ways a very moving ceremony, but there's something there I can't quite regard as valid in worship.  Something I can't put my finger on.

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