Thursday 11 March 2010

Burton's Worship Meter - The Rapture

Dear Readers, always nice to be home. Even though the Archdruid is, for reasons best known to herself, sobbing and throwing darts at her special "Rafa Benitez" dart board.
I've just got back from the Bedford Reformed Church of the Coming Advent. Every Thursday, these faithful and lovely people hold their Service of Waiting for the Return of the Lord. And every Thursday they go away disappointed. So I had to get the old Spurgeonometer out and see how they rated
Bless their hearts, they don't grumble. Even though their notice board proclaims that all church events are provisional - "3pm Ladies' Bright Hour - Unless he comes". And yet every week all their events come round.
Note that for these highly spiritually-charged people, mere Spurgeons are not sufficient to measure the Worship Temperature. Even Wimbers aren't sufficient. The chart above is plotted in the natural log of the Spiritual Temperature in Wimbers.
I do wonder though. If every Thursday they expect the Rapture to come - why do they have notices? And why do they bother putting the water heating urn on at the start of the service?

1 comment :

  1. They have a water urn - here at the Quivering Brethren we do hang the kettle over the flaming sticks at the start of our meet. When the kettle explodes we know its time to go home, we do indeed.


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