Tuesday 9 March 2010


Forget to mention earlier.  Young Keith's experiment with Pneumocouples was a total disaster.  In the first place he'd failed to realise that what Burton was measuring was actually the worshippers' Actual temperature.  The reason those Methodist Ladies were warmer was because they always insist on wearing those furry hats.  In the second place, he'd actually plugged his pneumodynamic probe into their kettle plug socket.  It was good old fashioned 240V AC that took out his machine, not a psycho-thermal differential.
Unfortunately he's put the Great House electric on the fritz in the process.  Not such bad news for people in general, as we tend to ration creature comforts anyway.  But my computer was nearly wrecked this morning.  Up and down like a caffeinated Chelsea defender, as we used to say in the old days.  Still, it seems OK now.  But if you should notice at some point in the next few days that you've heard nothing lately from these quarters, you'll know why.

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