Wednesday 10 March 2010

Old Jokes Rehashed

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:

People who understand binary
People who think an old joke's still funny if you "twist" it slightly
People who think if you rehash an old joke it's still an old joke
People who liked the original joke and would rather hear it again
People who watch old jokes on UK Gold Jokes +1.5
People who don't understand binary
People who still don't know where this is going
People who stopped reading after the first line
People who opened this page thinking it was about drinking Alcohol with Swine Flu
People who have an interest in Gibbon Moons but don't know they got it wrong
People who think that even with this joke this should definitely be the last type of person
People who aren't reading this anyway
People who will think this is funny and link to it
The other 6,692,030,276 (as of writing)
People who were hoping to read a liturgy for the deportation of Archbishop Makarios
And people who started their careers reading Cobol dumps.


  1. Now that takes me back... remember the old OC7?

  2. Indeed yes. I remember the day we put a display numeric into a packed numeric field. How we laughed!

  3. Even worse than that - my career started with reading dumps in an obscure assembly language known only to ICL initiates!

  4. Not beta/[s1] @revsimmy - hijacking this comment thread? good heavens no!


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