Thursday 4 March 2010

My Cup and My Throne

Leadership is an interesting thing.
It can be thrust upon you (but in these days of HR you'll still have to sit a test).
Sometimes you aspire to it.
But why?
  • A general desire to push people around?
  • Alpha - Male Syndrome?
  • A warped sense of duty?
  • A love of working late nights?
  • Or a love of bigger offices?  Or an exciting phone and a laptop?
  • Or is it just programmed into the genes - with the evolutionary need for more offspring converted into the urge to produce more 3-year strategies and paperclip efficiency initiatives?
And then you find the irony.  You scrabbled over all the others to get the post you wanted, and you discover that the ones you scrabbled over are now working for you and they all hate you.

And your kids wonder who you are.

And no matter how often you tell yourself that you can lose your soul if you gain the world, you'll just go on trying to gain the world anyway and hope your soul won't notice.


  1. I can't be bothered to become a leader, as I have enough problems organising myself, let alone other people. I prefer to be a facilitator and an empowerer.

    However, I seem to recall that the followers of the person who originated that quote "what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul" seem quite keen on gaining the whole world...


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